Wondering if he found the trouble
My 12 volt "Tale of success" (Well beats woe) today.
About a year ago my inverter failed. Well I finally got a replacement but the connections are different (Different model original discontinued) so I put it in but I had to extend the 12 volt leads to make the connection since it's done differently. I used 4ga cause that's all I had.. Well today it's 00ga.. Got the upgrade done
In back of the inverter is a wire sandwich
Bolt head | Washer | lug on the end of 0000 wire from left bank | 00 to inverter | lug on 0000 from right bank | washer |nylock nut
All that is wrapped in insulating tape Fun job two of the lugs the holes were a bit small. thankfully I've a great hole enlarger (Tapered bit).
Over 500 amp hours between the two banks, 2,000 watt inverter, Makes coffee!!!