Forum Discussion

Bednarski1's avatar
Mar 19, 2014

No Electric Entry Step on a 2014 3010 Sunseeker

Just bought a new Sunseeker and cannot believe there is no entry step. How many of you guys do not have an entry step? Guess it's all about saving money.
  • I find that ours sits low enough that you don't need one. Sure is way lower than the TT steps we had.
  • in 2010 sunseeker redesigned the entire line . lowered entry door and no electric step since then.
  • I'd rather have a manual, fold-out step anyway. One less item to go wrong, and if it gets smashed or destroyed, it will be a part of a C-note to replace, not hundreds to thousands to import a replacement from Italy.
  • Our 26Q had an electric step from the factory. it was replaced with a manual one after the electric failed and was replaced twice under warranty. Less to fail now and manual step works just fine.
  • We drive an older RV (1989 Triple E).

    2 summers ago the electric step gave up the ghost. I looked into the cost of replacing it, but decided that it was not worth the dollars on an older RV. We now use the step manually and zap strap it up when on the road.

    We have a folding step to use when en-route.
  • The integrated entry step as they call it works fine for us most of the time. In some situations, we use a small portable step from CW. Often need it if we have had to use several lynx blocks on the right side to level. Personally, I would not want an electric step--one more thing to go wrong.
  • I purchased a new 2011 3100ss in Dec of 2011. When it arrived it had no electric or pull down step. There was a place for one to be attached under the integrated entry step, but mine was empty. When I enquired to Forest River, one of the District managers told me they quit putting the electric steps on because of the trouble they had with them not working properly and customers forgetting to retract them. I found this hard to believe, but, what are you going to do ? He told me they quit putting those steps on in 2011. I wish I could remember his name.....anyway, since then, we went on to a Class A Hurricane. I truely wish I had kept my Sunseeker. Enjoy it, they are a decent coach and a nice floor plan.
  • My Itasca Spirit 31K is the same. I forget what they call the interior step, which is low enough in most cases. I've thought of adding a minimal drop electric step but it hasn't been that much of an issue and I haven't bothered with adding a step yet.
    Looking at the post above, Itasca probably called theirs an integrated step also.