Here is what I would do. Get the 5 new clearance lights, amber.
Fasten them on where they should be. Use some of the flat style
electrical finished conduit for running on the outside of walls.
Paint it to match the motorhome. Run the wires over to the drivers side of motorhome in this conduit. Also run a piece of conduit over
to passenger side (no wires in this one). You will end up with conduit between each light and also both sides to give you a straight
line of conduit. Now on the drivers side, pull off that vinyl trim
on the outside edge and run the wiring all the way down to the bottom
of the rig. From underneath the MH bring up in under dash and hook
up to a light wire (usually brown) and also hook up the ground wire.
Now put the vinyl molding or trim back on and you my friend are good
to go.
Or... Drill holes all the way through to the upper bunk. Use good sealant before attaching the lights. Do some fancy conduit or trim
work to get the wires down where needed.
Good Luck, Brian