I have had a similar problem and it was due to a crack in the old rubber gas line. Mine was at the top of the tank where it was not accessible. I would suggest taking the line that is available to you and put it into a gas can to see if it starts. If it does than you can be pretty certain the problem is a crack in the line up by the tank. I ended up taking it to a repair shop and had it replaced. Good luck. P.S. I had a full tank when I took mine for repair and they put it on a lift and did not lower the tank but blocked up the tank and raised the MH away from the tank enough to gain access to the hose. I suppose if you don't have access to a lift, which a majority of us do not, it could be raised with the jacks and than securely placing blocks under MH. I was glad I had dealer take care of it, was done in 90 minutes and the cost was reasonable.