While a Amish unit helped my 1200, in hot weather it still needs more air flow than the two fans put out. Just adding one fan at the bottom helped a bunch. The other thing I found is that the left inside of the refer section is much warmer than the right (IR Temp gun)... guess where the flue is located. By adding more insulation between the box and the flue I was able to lower my refer temps and the fans run less often. By building a stand I'm able to slide my unit out onto it by myself. Turning it while on the wooden stand you can get to the back. I actually added more insulation between the coils and the flue while I had it out. I also decreased the distance from the coils to the outside of my Dynasty with sheet insulation but some say a wooden panel would be better because it will pass heat to the outside wall better. I cut out some of the plywood baffle for better air flow. I would probably add a baffle like this just below the upper coils to force the air onto the coils instead of usiing sheet insulation over the entire area.