Effy wrote:
hohenwald48 wrote:
Effy wrote:
Welcome to the forum.
You know you could always open up with "Hi, I am new here, I have such and such rig and have a questions/issues"
So what's he point of the post? Is this a slanderous first post, or do you need a shoulder to cry on?
Sorry I am a little leary of brand new members, first time posters who open up with guns blazing about a unit they bought over a year ago. Makes little sense, other than "my warranty is out now so I am going to make slanderous posts on various forums". Thinking maybe you could have joined here over a year ago when you first bought it. otherwise it's sort of troll-ish.
We just had one yesterday that got deleted.
And chassis issues are covered under Ford which carries a 3/36, not Thor.
What an unnecessary response. The poster has a legitimate issue and posted here looking for feedback and advice.
I have no specific advice to help the OP solve his problem. However, I hope he understands that Effy does not speak for most folks on this forum and I hope someone comes up with something useful.
Lighten up.
2 days ago a brand new member posted a fairly lengthy and slanderous email. While I won't go into the details of that it certainly smelled like a troll. Turns out I was right and his post and likely the profile deleted. Fast forward to today and it's very similar. There aren't too many new members that their very first post is opening up with both barrels blasting especially on an issue that's a year old. Why now? Why join and post now? Maybe it's legit and it's no big deal. but I see this happen on here pretty infrequently and when it does it's usually a troll. Maybe I am wrong, but I can tell you this; it's certainly not the way I would welcome myself to the forum. I am pretty helpful when I can be, so I take a jab at my take on this with a grain of salt. The OP even admitted it wasn't the best way for an introduction and I in turn welcomed him. I'm happy to entertain a PM if you want to talk about it further.
Effy, you were a little hard on the guy. You are not the only one that has fallen for a newbie post the turned out to be nothing. As for the comment that adding springs does not raise the motorhome chassis....WHAT? The actual problem may be that the chassis is actually out of square, and the MH was built on top of it, more than likely, welded to the chassis. The shop that tried to do the work, saw the problem and did the best they could to fix the problem, without major damage to the MH. Get it, MH built square, welded to chassis, that may be out of square. The chassis could be squared, but what would happen to the MH on top of it? Now I don't know, this just a guess on my part. Does anyone remember the 70's and 80's ford pickups that were soo far out of square, you could see the whole width of the front tire, outside of the rear tire? Come on... we are suppose to be helping people here, lets stop fighting and try. Newbies don't always know what they need to post, and how to post it, to get good answers.