Effy wrote:
Welcome to the forum.
You know you could always open up with "Hi, I am new here, I have such and such rig and have a questions/issues"
So what's he point of the post? Is this a slanderous first post, or do you need a shoulder to cry on?
Sorry I am a little leary of brand new members, first time posters who open up with guns blazing about a unit they bought over a year ago. Makes little sense, other than "my warranty is out now so I am going to make slanderous posts on various forums". Thinking maybe you could have joined here over a year ago when you first bought it. otherwise it's sort of troll-ish.
We just had one yesterday that got deleted.
And chassis issues are covered under Ford which carries a 3/36, not Thor.
Pretty crappy post. I thought you were leaving? Show a little compassion to folks that are having major issues like this.