Chainwright wrote:
Effy wrote:
Welcome to the forum.
You know you could always open up with "Hi, I am new here, I have such and such rig and have a questions/issues"
So what's he point of the post? Is this a slanderous first post, or do you need a shoulder to cry on?
Sorry I am a little leary of brand new members, first time posters who open up with guns blazing about a unit they bought over a year ago. Makes little sense, other than "my warranty is out now so I am going to make slanderous posts on various forums". Thinking maybe you could have joined here over a year ago when you first bought it. otherwise it's sort of troll-ish.
We just had one yesterday that got deleted.
And chassis issues are covered under Ford which carries a 3/36, not Thor.
Hmm. He has his character, you have yours and everyone has their's. Personally I'm sorry you got your feelings hurt because he didn't say "Hi" and introduce him self. I feel for the guy. The guy bought a lemon and is justifiably angry. His problem is not easily rectified as a matter of fact I don't think he'll ever rectify it unless most of it gets disassembled. It's like having a Crooked Spine, good luck getting that fixed. You're talking about a $175 Thousand dollars reduced to almost 10K (because who's going to buy it now??In some states, He would have to disclose a problem of this magnitude). Who in their right mind would not be Upset and come out with guns blazing after going through this for over a yr. I wish I had 175k to throw away and then calmly say:"Oh no big deal, I'll just buy another one." A little bit of Empathy, that's all.
Thank you to the OP for posting. You do not have to say hi. You are frustrated and we can all relate. It is terrible to know that this could have happened to any of us.