bobkatmsu wrote:
Ok, so after reading the responses, I started having second thoughts. Maybe I was over reacting. I checked with two acquaintances, that I know do a fair amount of traveling. The first gentleman I spoke to said he and his fiancé did not have and direct problems, however there were several times that there were groups of young men that were being intimidating and they felt compelled to cross the street. It happened often enough, they felt it put a serious blemish on an otherwise enjoyable weekend. They love the city and were very disappointed when they realized both had no intention of ever returning again.
The second gentleman I spoke to is a very successful business owner and a little over a year ago scheduled a meeting in N.O. for 27 of his top management people from around the country. The facilities were great, the people that worked in the hospitality business were the best he had ever seen, but and you knew that was coming, of the 27, 6 had guys come up behind them with box cutters and cut the back of their pants, not all at once, but over a 3 day period, stealing their wallets. When they approached the police they all told the same story, a guy in khaki pants and a t-shirt cut the pants and took off with their wallet. Police nodded said, yup, that's their M.O. No one can ever identify them, they all look alike.
Thanks for your input. I cancelled all reservations.
Pickpockets are always a concern in crowed tourist areas. That's why I put my billfold in my right front pocket when in those kind of areas. That has worked in lots of places including several nights on Bourbon St., lots of places in Mexico, and other similar places.
Oh yes, I also never have more than 1 drink in those situations. A clear head is a good idea then.