So thinking that one bus was not enough, I bought a second scenicruiser and I will relay that story elsewhere. But it got me inspired to get back to work on 149. One issue that I knew we had was a locked up brake on the tag axle.
First step, remove the rearmost wheels on the driver's side. One of the inner stud/nuts was rounded off so I went to get a new one and luckily I took the old one with me because the parts store wanted to sell me a left hand thread when the one I took off was right hand thread. After some discussion, I got one like I had, and then went back to the bus. Folks in the know suggested that I should check all the wheels on the bus because the left side should have left hand threads. Sure enough, someone has swapped all of the rear hubs on the bus side for side. so now I have to switch them back.
As for the brake issue, I had a little difficulty removing the straight slot screws that hold the brake drum to the hub because someone had previously dimpled the snot out of them, presumably to keep them from coming loose. After braking one impact driver bit, I headed for the local tool supply store to get the big boy set of straight bits. After some generous whacks I got the screws out but I will not be putting the messed up ones back in. I hope to find replacements that are torx or something.
With the brake drum off I found that the rear brake pad was missing, except for a few pieces that had jammed between the drum and some of the brake hardware. Rivets are all gone too. Just a bare shoe. The front pad appeared to be new but was coated in goo that resembled roofing tar. That same goo also covers virtually everything else on that side of the axle.
I thought I would check the inside of the hub and started to remove the cover bolts but the first one I touched fell out in my hand the second I turned it with a wrench. It had been glued in place with RTV because the bolt was broken inside the hub. (crap) Most of the rest of the bolts were stripped or just hanging on by a thread or two. Looks like I will be investing in some machine work before I get this issue resolved. Since I will be working on a similar issue on the other bus very soon I decided to leave the hub problem for another day.