Forum Discussion

becker's avatar
May 14, 2015

Oil Dipstick (cable)

I have a 2008 Monaco Dynasty with a ISL 425 Cummins engine. The problem is when I check the oil in the engine it takes me about 20 minutes or so to get the dipstick (cable) back all the way in the check tube. It will go all the way except the last 8 inches and stop. Then I can twist it around and jiggle it a few times and it will go in within one inch of the end of tube and then it won't go any further. It feels like it is hitting something. Now I keep playing with it (about 15 to 20 minutes it will finally slip all the way in the tube and latch. It has been this way since it was new. The dealer said they didn't know what the problem was but they would have to take the engine out to find out. I didn't want that and I have been living with it ever since. We age getting ready to go on a fairly long trip and I was checking the oil about 10 minutes ago and it took me about 30 minutes before I could get it to slip back in all the way. I'm afraid one of these times I will not get it to go back in all the way.

My question is: has anyone else had or has a problem similar to this?

  • I have the exact same problem with my dipstick since day one. I just live with it.
  • I also have a oil dipstick issue. It is necessary to rotate the
    dipstick a little to lower it into the oil pan. This usually takes me
    about an extra 10 seconds or so.

    Also, I must pull out the dipstick to wipe it before checking oil level or it shows that the oil level is too high.
  • Becker, thank you for checking. I'm pretty sure that tube is for the transmission stick if it had one. If you look at the back of that top, there is a place for a blade to fit. I guess Cummins or Monaco decided not to put one there.

    Safe travels,
  • Dipstick problem update.....

    sch911: I put an ever so slight bend in dipstick end about a 1/2 inch up from the end. I pulled out the dipstick and put it back in the tube it took me only 5 minutes to get it all the way in. I only checked one time but if it only takes me 5 minutes to get it all the way in, I'm just going to live with it. If that slight bend helped then I thank you for the suggestion. As time goes on I'll let you know how it goes.

    Mr. Mark: There is another dipstick tube just to the left of my oil dipstick. It has an expansion top on it (where you unscrew to the top handle and it loosens it so you can pull it off and screw it to the right to tighten the rubber top so you can't pull it off). The is nothing attached to the top (no dipstick attached to the top - the tube is empty)

    There is nothing there but the tube and I don't know why it is there.

    I'll stay in touch and let you all know what happens.

    Thanks again.
  • Thanks to all for your input......

    1) sch911: I'm going to try putting a slight bend in the end of the dipstick to see if that helps. When I am giggling and twisting the dipstick to try to get it back in, it feels like there are two additional components to the tube the dipstick is passing through (I don't know this for sure).

    2) Mr. Mark: There is another dipstick just to the left of the oil dipstick. For some reason I've never checked it. I will check it and advise.

    I'm going out the storage facility today, so I will check.
  • Becker, we had the same coach, same engine, (2008 Monaco Dynasty now sold) and I never had a problem with the dip stick. It always went in and out smoothly.

    Side note: I could have sworn that we had a transmission dipstick when new but when I went to check it once, there was nothing on the end of the cap. So, it was always checked from the transmission panel. Does yours have a transmission dipstick?

    Curious if bending the end of the engine dipstick would help like sch911 suggests.

  • Yes, I sometimes have the same problem on a 2005 Cat C7. Only it's the last 2 - 3 inches that don't want to go in. Usually takes 2 - 3 minutes of fiddling with it to go in all of the way.

  • If it were mine I'd put a very slight bend on the end of it, perhaps about a half inch up. So when you spin it now it will find it's entry point....