It wasn't the coil. The new coil had the same resistance readings. The Onan coil has two high tension/voltage posts. To check the coil, you take a reading between the two high tension posts.
Also tried grounding the oil pressure switch as well as just disconnecting it.
I finally threw the towel in and went to a local place that services MH's including Onan gensets. Told him the symptoms, and he promptly asked if there were signs of a mouse having been in it. There were pieces of paper towel in the fins of the engine, and we had found a torn up paper towel roll in the MH. He said the problem was very likely to be the ignition trigger arm deep inside the unit.
He replaces several every year------------mice get in, build a nest, and the first time an attempt is made to start the engine, the piece above gets broken.
I ended up disconnecting the genset and taking it to him. I'll report back if that proves correct.