Forum Discussion

dalefuji's avatar
Jul 28, 2023

Onan 5500 Generator in Holiday Rambler 1998 Endeavor

Generator runs sometimes and then shuts off.
Replaced with new:
Spark plugs, oil change, oil filter, air filter. "still no run"
New carburetor, New fuel pump, New fuel filter, No gas line hose from carburetor to fuel pump.
"still no luck"
The in line 10 amp fuse above stop/start switch is okay. The 20 amp
two blade fuse by breakers is okay.
I help "stop button" in for 15 seconds to prime Gen. and then hit start button and it started and ran for 60-90 seconds and then started getting rough and shut off and would not start.
I ordered new 5 blade relay plug under air intake to see if that is problem.
Are there any other in line fuses that could be problem
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
  • thanks, I will check for spark.
    How do I get a manual for this Model (1997)
  • Stop throwing money at it!
    Have you checked for spark at the spark plugs?
    Possible bad coil or plug wires.
    Does it make any attempt to fire? Any back firing?
  • You need to make some friends at a local small engine shop. Onan engines are all over the place and they will probably have seen this before.