Well now gentelmen yes I sure did see the fault codes flased 3 times at first then a continued flash of one. The flash of one on the panel reads overheat. I think I read where someone said after begining flashes if you pushed the stop button agian it would give a more detailed code. this did not work for me. I really don't think I have a major issue and through a process of elimination i will reslove the problem. I want to change the thermostat as I do not know the last time it was changed. I have replaced the fuel filter, oil and air filter
even though some may not have needed replacement. I now know where I stand with service maintenance with this newly aquired coach. Basically this post was to find a block bleeder outlet to remove air from the coolent system. I don't think there is one and it may not be nessasary to do so. I thank everyone for their comments. Oh the reason I felt it could "really" be the sensor failure is that I have read that this has been a common problem with these generators. This condition will be eliminated through the process.