Even more important to me is the fact that when my RV was new,, Just 2 hours of Generator run time (Parked) and the dang CO alarm was tested and found to be operating normally (Very annoying when it passes that test.. But also very comforting).
I put the Gen-Turi (Camco Product sold by among others Camping WOrld) on and ran the Genny over 25 hours on at least 2 occasions non-stop and no alarm either.. I also woke up on the green side of the grass both mornings after over 12 of those hours.
I see folks yammering about "Dangers" that show they have no clue as to how their motor systems work.. Like "The air conditioner can suck in the fumes" (Not any RV air conditioner I've ever seen, Plus the fumes leave the pipe going UP and they keep going up less there is like a 100mph breeze blowing, in which case by the time they reach the A/C they will be quite diluted)
Or The EXHAUST vents can suck it in (What part of EXHAUST do they not understand, They blow OUT)
True, a Fantastic Fan on INTAKE could, in theory, but in practice See the direction of travel for the fumes.. Up Up and away
Some folks make their own "Gen-turi like" stack.. These generally work well but are also a lot heavier.. This can cause problems (in theory) though I've never heard of any problems from them.
Oh.. I have had a neighbor's generator test my CO alarm too.