Forum Discussion

Toddoo's avatar
Oct 05, 2014

onan rv qd 10000

I purchased a 2011 Monaco diplomat 43dft with a onan rv qd 10000 generator. I am trying to get all the maintenance up to date as the prior owners did not perform everything other then a oil and filter change. I have the top off the generator and looking down, I have the air filter off and located, I am looking for the fuel filter, spec shows it on the right side of the generator, I have the maintenance door off, but want to know if I have to take the rest of the side cover off, so I need help in locating the fuel filter and if anyone knows of a how to video, that would be great. I also would like to know if anyone knows what make/model of the fuel filter is and if any other maintenance should be done, generator has 300 hours on it. any and all help would be appreciated.

  • I have the same gen - the fuel filter can NOT be pre-filled since it sits on its side.

    the filter is held in by a bracket (2 bolts) that bolt to the side of the cabinet (accessible from the outside, just below & to the right of the access door) is NOT necessary to remove the two bracket bolts to remove the filter.

    FIRST - use two wrenches to loosen each of the fuel lines on the filter FIRST.
    NEXT - remove the single nut on the fuel filter/stud that holds the filter to the bracket

    REMOVE / Replace filter - then replace the fuel lines (use the backing / 2nd wrench, as you did to remove the fuel lines)

    once you have the filter replaced and the fuel lines back on the filter - PRIME the filter by holding the start/stop button in the STOP/Prime position until the pump/prime the filter a couple of times & THEN start the generator & check for leaks.

    oil and filter changes are called for every 250 hours
    fuel & air filter change intervals are called for every 500 hours

    the following document / link should be helpful (see page 3-6 / figure 3-4 for fuel filter location).
  • At 300 hours I believe it is not yet due for anything but oil change.
  • Better to fill the filter with diesel before putting it on as it will save time restarting. I pull the return hose on mine and wait til fuel runs through it. It is then self priming.
  • If it's like the 7500' then all the filter part numbers are identified on the panel next to the start switch on the generator
  • The Fuel filter is located in the base tray, just inside service door. Should be rectangular shape, metal silver color, and have two fuel lines attached to it. It is attached to base with bracket. Easiest way to change is to remove two screws holding bracket to base ( 10 mm wrench), pull filter with hoses and bracket still attached out of tray. Fuel lines may then be removed and filter replaced. Be careful to install lines so they dont get kinked and restrict fuel flow, and use good fitting wrenches on line fittings so corners dont get rounded off.
    Onan p/n 149-2513, Fleetguard p/n FF-236. NAPA, Carquest, Wix can supply also. Push gen switch to "stop" to run fuel pump when done and check line connections for leaks, and to prime system