cwdavis wrote:
Hello Sully,
I guess I'm not on your Buddy List, as the note I tried to send after the Authorities closed your sad post would not go through. But, I feel the need to chime in, so will post this publicly.
Mostly, I wish you were not having the health problems you are and wish you the very best of luck with them. More, I hope you 'hang in there' and keep your terrific chip-on-the-shoulder attitude about life! I'd also encourage you to maintain your presence on the forum, both for all of us, those who enjoy your words of wisdom, and for you ...
Wishing you all the best, my friend,
Thanks to you and yours and all the well wishers on here...I appreciate it ...I really do.
COPD caused by a blood clot in the lower part of my left leg a few years back is what got me started on the downhill run. It started in my left calf...traveled up my leg to the abdomen where it crossed over and started up the right side of my body. When it got to my chest it crossed over and when into my heart where it blew thru and lodged in my bronchi.
Now I just breath OXY all the time but its too much of a hassle. Nancy and I went to Alfa Tukey a few weeks back and met up with David and his wife and we had intended on staying 2 weeks but 1 week of dragging around O2 cylinders and having to sit inside the coach ( AC) was enough and we started home.
So much is life!