Forum Discussion

Biggyniner's avatar
Nov 18, 2013

Orange Tri-Lynx eveling blocks

We pick up our new MH this Thursday and I was curious if anyone has experience with the Orange leveling blocks.

I read somewhere that they crack easily, any tips/advice appreciated.
  • I have used the Lynx brand and the now discontinued yellow ones for 11 years. Once every two or three years I may have to replace a couple. If I use them on rocks or soft ground they can get in a position to crack.

    I use them mostly under the tires to raise them if the jacks need to raise the coach so much that the tires lift off the ground. Sometimes I put a couple under the jacks if they are extended farther than I like.
  • Congrats on the new purchase.
    When I had my 5er I used the orange leveling blocks. They worked fine. Now that I have a motor home I bought 4 blocks from Bigfoot. They are absolutely awesome. They are 12x12 and I do believe they could support most any weight. They are on the pricey side though.
    Good luck with all you do.
  • rockylarson wrote:
    I still have my original set, fadeing a little, but still useful. I use them to adjust height on portable entry steps, set up sewer hose angle, as jackpads, level picnic tables, etc. At last count I have 5 sets. Once I had on a really bad site I had them all in use.

    Holy******5 set! I was thinking 2 haha
  • I still have my original set, fadeing a little, but still useful. I use them to adjust height on portable entry steps, set up sewer hose angle, as jackpads, level picnic tables, etc. At last count I have 5 sets. Once I had on a really bad site I had them all in use.
  • my orange leveling blocks were too narrow to go edge to edge of the tread on my motorhome tires, so they would not adequately support the sidewalls.
    they are fine for narrower trailer tires.
  • crickeydog wrote:
    Biggyniner wrote:
    We pick up our new MH this Thursday and I was curious if anyone has experience with the Orange leveling blocks.
    I read somewhere that they crack easily.

    Congrats on yer new MH.

    Depends on the weight of yer MH. A 30' gasser parked on them would do fine. A 43' DP will squash'em like a grape in short order. Look online at CW or elsewhere and search for MH leveling pads and decide what's best for you. If all you need them for is your hydraulic leveling jacks, then the orange blocks will do ya fine.

    Happy camping!!! See y'all down the road!!!:)

    Actually we are getting a 30' gasser, 2002 HR Admiral... planned on using them under the level jacks and tires as necessary.
  • Mine did crack, but this was when we stacked them under the wheels on our first rig with no leveling system. I think they will hold up better when used under the jacks as a jack pad. Not sure of your intended use. We decided to make our own - 12"x12"x2" that we use under the jacks when needed. We took 2 1" thick boards - cross grain and glued them together, drawer pull handle, some gray paint - served us well for 6 yrs with lots of use - very durable
  • Congrats on the new addition! Have been using the same 2 sets of Lynx Leveler blocks for almost 10 years now and haven't had any crack yet. I now park my Montana on them and they handle the 15,000lb weight very well. I realize that you're most likely much heaver than I am but still think you'll be fine. Tim
  • Biggyniner wrote:
    We pick up our new MH this Thursday and I was curious if anyone has experience with the Orange leveling blocks.
    I read somewhere that they crack easily.

    Congrats on yer new MH.

    Depends on the weight of yer MH. A 30' gasser parked on them would do fine. A 43' DP will squash'em like a grape in short order. Look online at CW or elsewhere and search for MH leveling pads and decide what's best for you. If all you need them for is your hydraulic leveling jacks, then the orange blocks will do ya fine.

    Happy camping!!! See y'all down the road!!!:)