wallynm wrote:
So tell me what you gas tax is!
2 many 2 wrote:
Teleman wrote:
Last December we bought a 2000 Airstream Land Yacht. They want $775 to register it for 2022! WTH? We never paid anything like that much before on our previous motorhome. Is this some new punishment from our a-hole governor for our "carbon footprint" or some such nonsense? Does anyone know what's going on? We are furious! We love living here for the climate and geography but this has to be the worst governed state in the union.
You may as well get used to it, under the current valuation to registration charges, in four or five years it will go down to about $600.
For the first time, Californians have the opportunity to pay more for vehicle registration than many pay for insurance! Aparently the residents like it, 66% just voted to keep the administration in dictatorship.
You should enjoy your gas prices, it is only $7 a gallon close to you, coming to your neighborhood soon.
Click Here
"this has to be the worst governed state in the union"
You are just figuring this out now?
We are paying $4.15 for regular, cash. It was $2.89 in January.