We didn't actually buy our coach because it had a dishwasher instead of an oven, but, it wasn't an issue for us. We've never used the LP ovens in our previous RVs... We do just fine using the convection microwave and the counter top Breville toaster oven. We initially thought we wouldn't use the dishwasher, just the two of us and it isn't a big deal to handwash (her) and dry (me) the few dishes that we use. However, we like stir-fry and that generates a lot of dishes; load them up in the dishwasher and let it run. The new dishwashers are quite efficient (the unit we have uses as little as 2 gallons per cycle) and is no more an energy hog than the washer/dryer that we've come to appreciate or any of the other "electric gizmos" that proliferate in most newer rigs (we've got 4 televisions...why?) So, yes, for the most part we hand wash and dry, but, for those times when we are heavy on dishes or entertaining and don't want to take away from the visit by washing in front of our guests, or having a pile of dirty dishes sitting there until they leave, we can throw everything into the dishwasher and go back to "visiting". The dishwasher is incredibly quiet; most times we can't even tell it is running. Another plus to not having the LP oven, we have an induction cooktop in place of the LP burners. The induction cooktop cooks quicker and doesn't heat up the interior of the coach (induction only heats what is in the pot/pan; no radiant heat). The benefits of induction cooktops is another thread...we have one in the sticks and bricks and we love the one in our coach and having one in any future coaches will be a "must".
Now that we've had one (a dishwasher in lieu of an LP oven), we'll always have one. If we buy a new coach that has an LP oven with associated LP burners, part of the "buying deal" will be to have it/them removed and a dishwasher and induction cooktop installed in place of it/them. There are those that swear by their LP ovens and how wonderful they cook, but, we've been using convection ovens for so many years, there isn't anything that we can't cook in them from cakes to turkeys and everything in between and cook them faster. Add in the Breville toaster oven and we haven't run into anything we can't handle.
That's just us though...lots of different opinions out there, but, I'm seeing more and more of the dishwashers and induction cook tops showing up, not only in high end rigs, but, more economical coaches and 5vers. Looked at a bumper pull the other day and it was also outfitted with the big convection/microwave, induction cooktop and a dishwasher. If it were us, we'd make the conversion without a second thought. Usually the oven is right next to the sink, plumbing hookups can be done with "T" adapters spliced in. Power may be more of an issue, but, you may find that the microwave power line is accessible.