Forum Discussion

stugpanzer's avatar
Mar 31, 2019

Pleated Blind and Fabric Covered Valance Replacement

We spent the last week or so ripping out the cloth covered valances and the pleated day/night blinds. We replaced them with some really nice clean pine boxes and MCD Shades. I built the shade boxes and we will be finishing off with some wood trim around the windows. The boxed (vertical) valances will be no more and will give us just a bit more elbow room by the windows.

This is a pic of what it looked like with the pleated blinds and the cloth covered valances:

...and this is a pic of almost the same view with the MCD shades and the new boxes:

We also replaced the cloth covered valance over the entry door. I built a box for that as well and DW wanted it painted as follows:

I will post pics once it is all completed and the coach is clean. Lots of sawdust from me trekking in and out while building the boxes.
  • I realized I owe some more pictures! I will get some out there. The old day/nightshade and valance replacement were well worth it!
  • FIRE UP wrote:
    We just did the same exact thing in our '04 Itasca Horizon 36GD with the CAT C-7 330HP. It was dated, to say the least. So, I gutted the coach, and had all the carpet replaced with a much more modern color. Then, that prompted us to tear off all the old junk valances and I built all new ones out of 1/2 plywood. I had to build them 1" deeper than the original ones 'cause I knew someday we'd converting the junk pleated day-nighters to some dual roller types.

    Well, we did all the upholstering on the new valances and long story short, we purchased all new dual rollers from Shade Pro and, wow, what a difference. I was thinking about eliminating the down arms of each valance but, those give a better range of privacy so, when I built new ones, I kept the same design.

    Our coach now is so much more modern looking inside now. All that, along with a new, modern Flat screened TV that I precise fitted in the front cabinets all ties it all together. Waaaaaaaaaaaaay cheaper than upgrading to another coach.

    Our privacy will come from the trim I install on the windows as the blinds will ride right on them. I used 1x6 pine for our boxes and will be using 1x wood for the trim mounting flat which will come out 3/4". We also want to tackle the floors too at some point.
  • We just did the same exact thing in our '04 Itasca Horizon 36GD with the CAT C-7 330HP. It was dated, to say the least. So, I gutted the coach, and had all the carpet replaced with a much more modern color. Then, that prompted us to tear off all the old junk valances and I built all new ones out of 1/2 plywood. I had to build them 1" deeper than the original ones 'cause I knew someday we'd converting the junk pleated day-nighters to some dual roller types.

    Well, we did all the upholstering on the new valances and long story short, we purchased all new dual rollers from Shade Pro and, wow, what a difference. I was thinking about eliminating the down arms of each valance but, those give a better range of privacy so, when I built new ones, I kept the same design.

    Our coach now is so much more modern looking inside now. All that, along with a new, modern Flat screened TV that I precise fitted in the front cabinets all ties it all together. Waaaaaaaaaaaaay cheaper than upgrading to another coach.