Forum Discussion

two_travelers's avatar
Jun 06, 2014

Polymer sealant

A friend told me about polymer sealants by Menzerna that he uses on his cars and boats with great results. I notice on the web that a number of firms offer this kind of sealant. Has any one used one of these products? Does it last longer than a good wax job? Any particualar brand that can be recommended. I'm considering it especally for the roof.
  • They do make a great sealant and Uv protection. Ive used it for 3 years with great results. Very easy to apply even on black. It lasts 6-8 months maybe alittle longer in southern Az temperatures. It's the only thing I use on my vehicles all of them.
  • I'm actually getting a product called opti-coat (opti-guard) put on a new SUV right now. It's a permanent coating. Supposedly never have to wax again. Apparently if the prep work is done right, and you don't use an abrasive polish or compound, it never comes or wears off.

    Google it, see if it's something that interests you.
  • I looked the Menzerna site and it appears to only be super high quality polish / compounds, no protection. I have used this product with good protection and minor cleaning results for 3 years on 2 back cars and the bus. Give it a shot and I think you will like. Beads water like crazy,