Forum Discussion

Licreek's avatar
Nov 22, 2017

Poopy Paper Problem

Having an issue with toilet paper. There are three adults living in my 36' mh. I am finding that by the time my black water tank is about half full all the paper we have flushed piles up right under the toilet dump valve and it plugs the opening and the toilet won't flush any more. I have to put a stick down the toilet and swish it around to brake up the paper pile? I am not leaving the dump valve open and everyone swears they are dumping plenty of water with their flush. So what gives??? I'm getting sick and tired of stirring the pot to get it to flush!! Any ideas?? Thanks, Lee
  • I tell our users to fill the bowl halfway before they sit down then flush when done. This seems to provide enough water to breakup the Scotts Brand Tissue (1000 sheet) we use.

    I also use Thetford's Aqua Chem toilet chemical. The waste digestion enzymes contained in Aqua Chem really work to keep the solids un-solid for easy dumping.
  • No need to buy squat from Marcus. Get your TP at Walmart. They have 2-ply there.
  • After you dump do you add water to your tank and if so how much?
  • That quick clog makes me suspect that too much Tp is being used. You cannot use as much TP per job as you did in the S&B house. I'm solo, so cannot advise with your 3 adult situation. Make sure they are flushing only TP and not facial tissue, baby wipes, paper towels, cotton balls or anything else that won't readily disintegrate in the water. I use TP from Costco (Kirkland brand) and in 3+ years of full-timing, I've never had an issue. I dump the tanks when they're full unless I'm hitting the road.
    BTW, I do use chemicals, purchased at Walmart. I've never used that $1 a sheet thin stuff CW sells.
  • The problem has happened using both store bought septic safe paper and paper bought at Camping World. Man I hate the camping world stuff it's so thin you might as well use your finger?? Even though I'm dumping every few days do I need to put treatment in the tank and if so what's the best to break up the paper?
  • More water, LOTS more water.

    BTW what brand TP are you using?