I think it depends on your intended use. If you are a full timer and this will be your primary “devise” for airing up your tires, then a 120v pump like the $100/ 6 gallon Porter Cable unit is good (the 150 PSI red pancake compressor that many use). Larger units (like what GordonThree posted), works better, but takes up more storage.
If you check your air at home and only carry a compressor for a rare need to “top off” a low tire, then a good 12V pump will be adequate (and take less storage space). In either case, give it a test before you actually need it.
I carry the Porter Cable compressor, because I air up a towed off road vehicle. It doubles as an emergency compressor for the RV, but I wouldn’t carry it if not for the jeep.
BTW – if you have a DP with air systems, an alternative is to tap into that and carry long enough hose to get to all tires.