Forum Discussion

BillHoughton's avatar
Explorer II
May 17, 2018

Portable air tanks

There seems to be a generally very strong opinion that the 12 volt air compressors for maintaining tire pressure make (possibly) attractive shelf decorations. We'll be traveling through the American Southwest this summer, through terrain in which gas stations are pretty thin on the ground, and I'm wondering what folks think of the portable air tanks. I don't have room for more than a five gallon tank (even then, I'm starting to max out the stuff stored in the equipment locker).

If this seems like a good idea, my questions would be:

1. They seem to come in steel or aluminum, aluminum being more expensive but presumably more corrosion resistant. Which makes more sense?
2. Any favored brands?
  • You're concerned about running out of air but not fuel because???

    Get a Viair compressor which runs on 12V.
  • Assuming you have a generator, it may be worthwhile instead to look at small 120V air compressors; some of them are about the same size (but not shape) as the portable air tanks. Even without a generator, electric outlets are often easier to come by than compressed air.

    I have a Fini AirBoss in my motorhome and it serves the purpose admirably. Lowes (among other places) sells them, at least sporadically, for around $100 give or take, depending on the current sales and whatnot.

    A 5 gallon tank filled to, say, 125 psi is not going to put an enormous amount of air into a LT truck tire at 80 psi; it would for sure be less effective than when used for car tires at maybe 30-35 psi.