DougE wrote:
Nope 2byz2c. A fuel filter that is becoming clogged doesn't initially stop the fuel from flowing, it just reduces the quantity available. So while you may be getting enough fuel through the filter to cruise at 60 mph, when you push on the gas pedal to accelerate or provide more power to climb a hill (or steep bridge) there is not enough additional gas to allow that to happen and the engine falters. An engine "shutting off" is more descriptive of a failing fuel pump.
I sort of agree, but no matter what the fuel delivery system is not doing, i.e., filter, pump etc, the engine is being starved of fuel and the symptoms of such are very characteristic. An experienced mechanic can tell the difference right away. Those less mechanically inclined will have a more difficult time telling the difference.
Let's hope the OP comes back to tell us what is wrong. That will be the deciding factor.