Forum Discussion

4ever16's avatar
Jul 05, 2015

Possible Fuel Fiter Problem ???

2007 Allegro W22 Workhorse, with 8.1 GM motor..Problem, motor starts great, will run down the road but if I press the accelerator motor starts missing. I can run 60 mph just can not get there very fast. Going up hill can not give her to much gas, it just starts missing.
Should I replace the fuel filter first ??? I have 39,000 miles on her.
Thanks for your help.
  • enblethen - read the last 9 words in my previous post. If the detergents in the premium will dissolve it there should be no issue with the injectors. Otherwise you're calling for a tow truck or sending someone to get a filter and bring it to your location. With a clogged fuel filter you can't accelerate or climb hills. We're all travelers and frequently out where there's no services. I've needed my 100 mile tow option a couple of times through the years.
  • Thanks to everyone with all there help. Will start with filter, then wires, and then coils....may pull airfilter first,,,,easy to check.
    Nothing like RVing......
  • I would not like to dissolve crud in filter and send it to the injectors.
  • Yes. That's a classic symptom of a clogged fuel filter. If you're on the road and you suspect it's a fuel filter problem, a tank of major brand premium will usually dissolve some of the crud in the filter and allow you to get to a reasonable service location.
  • Agree, there could be a couple of "likely suspects".

    But, yes, start with the fuel filter.
  • Wires?
    Coil packs could be breaking down. You could pull one of them and see if whether the spark plug connector is corroded. If you have a meter check continuity between the coil connector and the frame of the coil. You would need to do this on each one.
    I am guessing that it is not displaying and engine check light.
    Yes, it could be a fuel filter!
  • If you have driven in the rain recently, some front end designs allow water to get in to the intake and soak the air filter. This is another thing to check in addition to the plug wires. This set, with the insulators, is a good choice. Taylor Extreme
    The fuel filter for your coach is a little difficult to get so you may have to get the old style filter and the adapter.
  • Why not? My guess would be spark plug wires.

    Its a common problem with 8.1s.

    You can get high temp rated wires.