Forum Discussion

Jpjlauer's avatar
Feb 22, 2016

Possible rear brake sticking?

My 2006 Gulfstream BTCruiser has been in storage here at home for almost a year now. It's a 30' on a Ford E450.

Taking advantage of the recent warm spell here in Northern Indiana I took it to the car wash this past weekend to clean it as well as "exercise" the engine, tires, brakes, etc. Been doing this about every 3 months.

However, this time, when I got out of the RV at the wash I smelled something that made me think "overheating" but everything looked fine so I went ahead and washed the rig. On the trip back home I took a longer route that would allow me to get the RV up to highway speed for a short distance. As I got close to home I noticed the smell again this time while still inside the RV. Then I noticed that as I let up on the accelerator when approaching stop lights the RV slowed down like I was braking - when I was just trying to coast to a stop.

I parked in the driveway at home and did a walk around. I immediately noticed some smoke coming from the driver side rear wheel well and excessive heat. The passenger side was fine - no smoke, no excessive heat.

What could be the cause of this?
  • brake hung up, this a common problem, it has to be changed, a and the pads too, on both sides is best. one way to catch this early is touch the rims at each gas stop.