Forum Discussion

Jun 08, 2015

propane problems

Ok folks, here we go. I am getting no propane to stove ,refridge and whatever. The gauge is showing 1/2 to 3/4 full. I removed the main line from regulator going to appliances and nothing was coming out. My question is bad gauge,empty tank or bad regulato? C'mon ,help an ole fella out. Thanks
  • I am having the same problem. I have two tanks with a diverter to chose which or both to use. I'm getting very little propane to my stove. the flame comes on but very low. and the furnance does not stay on. I turned on the frig and didn't get cold after a few hours. I've checked and I have 3/4 full on one of my tanks. I have checked the diverter and turned the knob back and forth and it doesn't show any gas going through. I've disconnect the hose from the tank to the diverter with no change. Anyone know of a way to check the diverter to see if it's working? I have a regulator on one of my tanks but not the other, the rig came this way. It's a Forestriver Flagstaff 5er, 2007. thanks in advance for any help.
  • Navegator is on target. I admit it: I have even tapped the valve gently when it stuck occasionally on previously owned tanks. Not hard, just close it, tap it lightly with a non-ferrous piece of something like a wooden hammer handle, open the valve slowly and lots of times you get gas. Open some of them quickly and no gas.

  • Some propane valves have a shut off mechanism on the valve it self, if you open the valve very fast, the shut off triggers and prevents the gas from flowing, always open the valve slowly, some times you can hear the valve reset with a click.

  • I don't think that our 2004 Tioga's gas detector is wired to shut down propane flow if it smells gas. It might be unsafe to trust that all gas detector alarms will shut down propane flow.(?)
  • Thanks for posting issue resolved...........and big kudos to you for owning up!!!

    BTDT...several times on one thing or another
  • Thanks guys for the info. I had simply forgotten to turn propane detector on inside coach .Duh,I guess that could be considered senior citizen momemt . Thanks for your quick responses.
  • IS main service valve OPEN?

    Do you have an 'emergency shut-off solenoid' that is not energized OPEN?

    How long ago did you fill tank......EMPTY?

    Disconnected line after flow but how about before regulator (Bad regulator)? CAUTION: IF PROPANE IN TANK IT WILL BE HIGH PRESSURE BEFORE REGULATOR
  • First thing to check ,did you trip the propane /carbon monoxide alarm, down at floor level ,just spraying air freshener will do it,that shuts of all propane,there is a reset button on the unit try that