Forum Discussion

wjschill's avatar
Oct 12, 2021

Purchasing a RV in another state

We are in the process of purchasing a Class A from a private seller in Mississippi. I have thirty days from date of purchase to get it registered, here in Texas, where we live.

My question is...How or what do I need for license plates to travel back to Texas if the seller wants to keep his?

I'm sure someone out there has had the same experience... Please share.

Thanks for your responses.

  • Bumpyroad wrote:
    just print, hand make a sign on a piece of cardboard saying "LOST TAG"



    Bumpy, you ever live in Florida???
    For a long time I thought the cardboard & Sharpie "LOST TAG" was issued by Florida DMV.
  • Took plates from old MH and put them on new MH. Drove from Wisc to Mo. Once home officially transferred plates at same time applied for title on the new MH. Of course transferred insurance before starting trip home and had registration for the old MH with me if needed.
  • We purchased ours in NC and lived in CT at the time. Took a trip to the NC Motor Vehicles with the original owner where they transferred the title and gave us a temporary plate. Very easy and pretty inexpensive transaction. I did need to show NC insurance, which I had gotten prior to flying down there.
  • Bumpyroad wrote:
    just print, hand make a sign on a piece of cardboard saying "LOST TAG"


    And that could cost $$$ if stop and you do not have a tag receipt to show.
  • Thanks Doug...Good info.

    We were driving home this morning and was passed by a car in LA, that had a temp tag stated "TAG APPLIED FOR"

    Things must be easier in Louisiana....LOL

  • just print, hand make a sign on a piece of cardboard saying "LOST TAG"

  • Or just get a bill of sale and signed Mississippi title from the seller and drive it home. If you get pulled over show them your paper work
  • Go down to your local County Tax office and get a 30 day temp plate. Texas offer this. Doug

    TxDMV issues a 30-Day Permit for the temporary movement of a vehicle subject to Texas registration laws. A 30-Day Permit is valid for a period of 30 days from the effective date reflected on the permit. No more than three 30-Day Permits will be issued per vehicle.
  • When we did that from Texas we just drove it home to New Mexico. We had all paper work and did not have an issue. As stated you could call and ask and answer will be to purchase a temp tag. We travel 1 day on the first one and two days on the second purchase from Colorado.
  • You will ned a temporary tag to use for transport home. Best is to call a local tag/dmv for Mississippi and ask them.