Mr.Mark wrote:
Just to get an idea of what $50K will buy, check out in Texas. They show floor plans, have pics, etc.
Newmar makes a handicapped unit that has a lift on the passenger side mid way down. Not sure if you could find one used or not.
Good luck,
PPL isn't "typical" on pricing, since they're consignment units with a high-motivating factor being to sell quickly for the owner and for PPL to gain their sales commission on the close of a deal.
I've found that PPL has in most cases a huge price advantage for identical units elsewhere.
The bottom-line is to NOT pay over NADA Low Retail on any unit - then you know you haven't overpaid for your unit.
The trouble with buying from PPL, is that there's usually no warranty in-effect, and sometime owners dump their lemon-units at PPL to get rid of them. I've seen this happen many times over the years here. Then again, there's RVers that give glowing reliability reports on units bought used from PPL.