I have had two used class Cs. The first was a Four Winds (Thor) Chateau 28A on a E350 chassis with the V10. After a few years stepping up into the shower became less desirable for me. It also had less food prep area than I would have liked. The build was average & I had no real problems with the house. I do not miss the sound of that V10 engine screaming on small hills one bit.
My current Leprechaun 290QB on a Chevy 4500 chassis with a 6.0 engine has been a step up in quality for me. The first thing that surprised me is all the water drain pipes are put through flanges in the floor. Thus eliminating holes for critters to get in. The floorplan works well for me without having to put the slide out. Also the stock 4500 chassis handles wind & trucks passing much better than the modified Ford chassis did.
My impression is Coachmen took more time figuring out how the unit was going to be used. An example is the 60x80 queen bed that is offset to one side. Giving the other side more room for getting dressed.