Winnebago, to the best of my knowledge, has not used any wood framing in recent times. My 2005 Itasca does not have wood framing and from then on they do not - according to their SuperStructure construction approach. I would not consider buying a Class C using wood in it's framing ... and this includes Lazy Daze. Also I would not consider a Class C that did not have either a one-piece fiberglass roof, or, MAYBE a seamed aluminum roof if the aluminum seams were done just right and if I did not ever anticipate getting caught in a nasty hail storm.
The only wood in my Itasca Class C is in it's interior non-wall construction ... and a lot of that interior wood usage is solid hardwoods.
Most all road noise in our Itasca is caused by our packing methods ... with two exceptions:
1) A whistling sound around 40-45 MPH from the wind hitting some exterior bracket.
2) Some piece of sheet metal rattling on the V10 engine that I've yet to remove the doghouse cover to get at and fix.