Look for 'Yesterdays Meals On Wheels' , 'Rv Proctologist' -- self explanatory.
High volume fresh water is available ( by different trucks) good thing, when you want.
For longer stays, set up a schedule for pump in/ outs with the vendor for favorable pricing. Your gps location will guide them to you.
Quartzsite well water is salt free, but calcium rock hard. Get it for tank fill, use RO filtered water for drinking, .20 - 25c/ gal. in your container at several locations. Plan on 1- 1.5 gal./ person/ day of good drinking water.
Rubbish disposal is something a lot of Q ers do not consider. La posa south , maybe others I do not know of , has dumpsters along the main in out roads.
Plomosa Road , Bouse or anywhere else area visitors can use the free transfer station N. of the Q. on az. 95 near the cell tower. its not open all the time.
Research where you want to stay at the Q to maximize your wishes. There are conclaves of 'birds of a feather', 'birds without feathers' - ahem- yup thats what I meant, clusters of those afraid of their own shadow, others that do not want to see yours.
Good Luck, see you there. Or not, we choose to be alone in camp.