The whole point of my response is that yes it is dry. I've been checked for it twice, and you learn allot just talking to the doc and lab folks when they know what you're there for. I was asked where I had been for the last several weeks, and at the time I had not only been to Quartzsite, but Coachella Valley, and several trips to Bakersfield and Fresno. The only place on my list that they didn't care about was Quartzsite, because nothing grows, no farming, so no soil tilling, and consequently no spores. If one is that concerned with VF, stay out of California, and especially the San Joaquin Valley as it's the VF Capitol of the world. There was a rash of VF in N. Los Angeles after the Northridge quake because the hills got shaken up so severely, other than that it is extremely rare and there's usually a reason it's contracted.
I'd probably go to Quartzsite if I were looking to escape it. Or a boat in the middle of the Pacific