Forum Discussion

jtad's avatar
Jan 17, 2016

Question about being guided into a site.

So here is the deal. I check in at the office of a big name camp ground. After getting all my info they send a camp host over to show me to my spot. He is in front of me in a golf cart and pulls through the spot I am going to and gets off the cart and stands in front of me. The site to the right of my spot had a "tailgater" sat dish sitting on the ground very close to my site. I know its going to be a tight squeeze getting in as I swing into the spot. But the host is standing in front of me telling me to pull forward. I cant see the tailgater at this point, but still the park host is standing at the front of my site looking at the front of my coach guiding me in.. And crunch!!! Right front corner of my coach hits the tailgater and breaks the top cover of it. At this point the host comes over and tells me "oh I tried to tell you to stop".. No you didn't!! So now the camper who's satellite I've just broke starts raising hell with me about replacing it. The camp host and his manager tell me it is completely my fault, not their problem. So at 5PM on Friday evening I make a mad dash through rush hour traffic in a large metro city to shell out 500 bucks to buy this "camper" his new dish from a store that closes at 6... I was going to be leaving my coach unattended for the weekend parked next to this guy and figured $500 was good insurance that maybe he wouldn't tear up anything on my unit while I was away.. Although it didn't help in getting him to remove the pitbull that was chained to the tree right out my front door.. So yea I guess I should have got out and moved the dish.. But I thought the point of this host guiding me in was to help prevent stuff like that from happening.. What say you?? Totally my fault?
  • My guess is that once a spotter comes into play, they assume some of the responsibility. Of course it is a civil matter and a judge would make the final decision.
  • Never trust a CG parker. Sorry but you new it was there and lost site of it.
    I feel the CG Parker was negligent also.
  • Irrespective of what CG employee directs me, I pay NO attention.

    Dianne is the ONLY guide I follow. We have been doing this for decades-- she knows our coach (wheelbase, turning radius, etc) far better than any CG employee.

    This has never been a problem with any CG employee. They may stand next to her and "give her directions", but the only directions I follow are hers.

    Another point-- there is really no "universal" signals for parking coaches, so while perfectly valid, if they are different than you are used to, they can get you in trouble.

    And, if solo, I get out and look over the site. May have to do that a couple of times in a tight situation.
  • Tough call. When they take charge of you, including driving the cart exactly where they want you to go (such as pulling over to the left before you turn right, etc...), then I think they bear some responsibility. If you had had a passenger who could have helped with guiding you into the site, It would have been good to follow that person, rather than the campground host. That is our policy, although we try to make it look like we are also paying attention to the host! I think you handled the resulting damage extremely well, even though no one else, including the campground, did.
  • We've had 'guides' nearly run us into a tree. I don't trust them (no offense to any out there) so I go out and direct DH into our spot. It sometimes annoys 'the pros' but our rig is our house and we pay the insurance.
  • Unfortunately, you are in the driver's seat. As such, you're responsible if you hit anything. No one but my wife guides me into a site. Your insurance should cover your loss.

    On another note, please let us know the name of this campground. I would like to avoid it for two reasons. 1. Sounds like they should have stepped up and at least offered some help with the cost of the loss and 2. What campground allows pitbulls/??/// thank....Dennis