ckm91377 wrote:
Hello all-First of all would like to say that I am new here and if this posted in the wrong place or anything like that please let me know and I will fix it. I have been planning to start an ice cream truck business for the past few years and am hoping to purchase a vehicle over the winter-either an already converted truck of some kind or something I can put together myself. I have located several smallish motorhomes that would work out really nicely as an ice cream vending vehicle except for one thing-there is no easy way to get a rather large freezer into the thing. I am curious as to whether or not it would be a feasible option to cut a hole into the back and mount a door or doors of some kind in the wall's place. I'm hoping someone here might have some experience with this kind of thing and am open to any advice, suggestions, or warnings the community might have for me. Thanks in advance!!!!
I was looking for a utility trailer on Craigslist yesterday and was amazed just how many nice food trailers already equipped were for sale and CHEAP! Check out Craigslist.
Seems to me it would be a better investment to buy one of these trailers and just pull it behind your truck. That way you would not have a complete MH vehicle AND all it's maintenance involved just sitting when not in use.
ALSO. Check with your local health department. There are a lot hoops you have to jump thru to get certified. A cut up handyman special MH may not pass the mustard.
AND keep in mind that every venue you go to 'their' state will have a whole nuther set of health standards. The health department comes to all venues and inspects all the food vendors before they are allowed to sell out of it. If you pass they issue a health certificate to allow you to sell at their venue. If you don't pass your done.
A lot of my horse friends drag a small food trailer and sell ice cones at the horse shows. Plum amazes me that the income from just selling colored ice out of that little trailer pays for all their show expenses. :B
Good luck on your adventure hope some of the info was of help to you.