Forum Discussion

scarpi's avatar
Jan 15, 2014

Questions on Lasko 1500 watt heater

I just bought a Lasko 1500 watt ceramic heater model 5409 to use in my Pleasure Way Excel. I plan on using the RV propane heater to get the cabin up to comfortable temps in the evening and then at bedtime turning off the propane heater and using the Lasko to keep the cabin comfortable during sleep time. This is a 120 volt AC 12.5 amp heater. I have not opened the box yet and I was wondering if any one has any experience with this heater using it during the nighttime instead of the loud propane heater in the RV. Any thoughts or comments? Will it keep the RV at a comfortable temp while sleeping? The RV is a 30 amp RV and at night I would not be running any other electrical appliances while sleeping so I wouldn't think it would blow any circuit breakers. Thoughts? Comments? Thanks.