No, not the payment cost Bumpy. The total amortized cost. The monthly payment increase across the life of the loan (let's say you decided on a 15 year loan for an $85K RV) is what you calculate.
So if you can really get a 2 year policy for $10 a month, that is $1800 over the life of the loan. Put $1800 aside for non-manufacturer warranty items and pocket the money if you don't need any extended warranty item repair at the end of 2 years. I am fortunate that I can repair an awful lot of stuff, but extended warranties are packaged and sold with full knowledge of the engineered obsolescence of the product being covered. The extended warranties are designed to take your money and expire just before the product breaks.
I do hear what you are saying, oldtrojan66. I work in IT and have a background in electronics repair. It is MADDENING how sensitive modern controller boards are to dirty power and it is even MORE maddening that you can't repair at a component level. Everything nowadays is designed to fail just out of warranty and it is always a complete board you have to buy. BLAH!!!!