randallb wrote:
Due to the large volume of oil in one of these engines 2 drain pan cycles are usually needed. Some people remove the top drain plug for the first pan full, reinstall it and then remove the lower plug for the second pan full. On my Cummins I used a small roller mop bucket and a conventional oil drain pan. It could get a bit messy switching pans. The 2 drain plugs make the job a bit neater.
I hadn't thought of that, so I purchased a rather large (53quart) drain pan, but that's a good idea doing one at a time. I've also purchased the FUMOTO valve, so I am ready to make the next change easier than this one. I think I have everything I need except knowledge of the plug location but I imagine its simply the lowest on the pan, since I am assuming this is the entire oil pan assembly and there's not some other tank - never heard of such a thing, but I am not CAT literate as I am just beginning to get a handle on doing maintenance myself.