Forum Discussion

Hatman's avatar
Jul 13, 2014

Rear brakes smokin'!!

On I 95 north of Baltimore. Very heavy 60 mph to zero and back to 60 again, over and over and over. Started smelling something hot and the TPS fired off on both of the rear inner duals being over temp. Thought I saw smoke so I pulled over at the next exit. Indeed. Smoke coming out of right rear wheel wheel. Tire temp not too hot, no visible oil or fluid. As best I can tell it's coming from the rear brake shoes. Let it cool down for 20 minutes and have now driven to a Flying J for dinner and give them a chance to cool. Any thoughts on the cause? I was just at Spartan and they didn't uncover any issues. What proportions the front vs rear braking in these? Any other words of advice?

1999 American Eagle
  • I use an IR gun every stop to check for dragging brakes and low tire pressure.
  • After our stop for dinner the brakes were fine the rest of the way. I do think the front/rear balance is off and will have Spartan check things out. If you've driven on I95 DC/Philly/NYC corridor you know slowing down and/or using your exhaust brake a great theories but no grounded in the reality of the situation. Even in the far right lane, if you leave the smallest gap in front of you it's quickly filled by a four-wheeler who immediately decides to slam on the brakes. Sunday afternoon traffic back into the city isn't the usual 20 mph trudge, but a 0 to 75 to 0 slinky that repeats for way too many miles. No fun in a 40 DP for sure!

    Thanks for the quick feedback.
  • My first thought - use the gears to reduce speed - NOT the brakes!!
    With almost 60,000 miles on our MoHo, the brakes on the rig (according to the most recent inspection 2 months ago) are 'almost like new'!!

    WHY?? the previous owner and I both use the Allison transmission to reduce speed and ONLY use the brakes to actually stop - or in one instance, an emergency stop to avoid a big problem and there was no time to downshift!!.

    Give it a try - it's easy to do and it's better for the equipment.
  • Did you use you exhaust or jake brake. No real reason to keep pumping the peddle.

    Hatman wrote:
    On I 95 north of Baltimore. Very heavy 60 mph to zero and back to 60 again, over and over and over. Started smelling something hot and the TPS fired off on both of the rear inner duals being over temp. Thought I saw smoke so I pulled over at the next exit. Indeed. Smoke coming out of right rear wheel wheel. Tire temp not too hot, no visible oil or fluid. As best I can tell it's coming from the rear brake shoes. Let it cool down for 20 minutes and have now driven to a Flying J for dinner and give them a chance to cool. Any thoughts on the cause? I was just at Spartan and they didn't uncover any issues. What proportions the front vs rear braking in these? Any other words of advice?

    1999 American Eagle
  • Two thoughts.
    1-Dont be in such a rush.
    2-Could be your rear brakes are doing all the stopping.
    Dave M
  • Leaking axle oil would cause the smoke but would not cause the temperature to rise, as shown on his TPM.
    I would guess that you have something that is causing the brakes to drag. Maybe an emergency brake cable too tight or something else that is applying the rear brakes only.
  • That was one of my first thoughts, but as my post noted - no visible oil or fluid.
  • Could be possible the rear hub seal leaking oil onto the brake shoes causing the smoke, look under the rv on the backside of the brake backing plate and you may see some oil residue...check out the other side it will probably be fairly clean with oil seal not leaking or brake not smoking...