Erik63 wrote:
So if it is cold outside do you just crank up the heat, or is there a way of intercepting the vacuum line that goes to the valve that controls whether the air is from inside or outside?
Yes, simply adjust the temperature to "heat".
Keep-in-mind that when set to max a/c with the heat on, it is perfect for defogging and defrosting your windshield because the a/c unit removes the humidity in the air it is blowing. So when you can't see through your windshield because there is frost or water on the inside, max a/c is the setting you want anyway. Even when there is frost on the outside, max a/c will blow hotter because it is working with air previously warmed-up from inside, instead of ice cold damp humid air from the outside. In the winter, max a/c will take the chill out of your motor home much better than normal a/c. That is unless your rig leaks air badly. Then you will want outside air to maintain a positive cabin pressure to leak warm air outward instead of cold air inward.
The a/c compressor will shut off when the temperature goes below a certain outside temperature. I don't recall what it is, but it is 20 something degrees F.
I learned over the years that recirculating air without the a/c on is a setting to avoid in summer and winter. With our E350, I wish I could recirculate the air from the vents in the dash board to blow recirculated air further into the cabin....most importantly when driving through Salt Lake City where the air pollution is tremendous.