Forum Discussion

Ricebug's avatar
Aug 25, 2016

Registration Fees

I contacted Wash State DMV and asked them how much would it cost to register a new motor home bought in Idaho. They replied: 10% of the purchase price. They would, however, deduct whatever I paid Idaho. This is insane!

We're planning on buying our RV next March, and want to move to Washington, where I grew up. It's RV friendly and we love rain.

Anyone have any suggestions?

I'm 64, retired Air Force, if it matters.
  • I bought a truck in WA. Sales tax was 10 percent there. So I had the truck officially delivered to AZ and paid 8 percent sales tax here, instead of paying more in WA.
  • Well... when I complain about CA "revenue seekers" - the Washington state and Oregon beat them by a mile.
    At least it has to be Police cruiser in CA to set radar trap.
    I recall Prius with radar up north.
  • "At least we don't have to pay yearly registration fees based on the vehicles "value" anymore. RV's would cost a grand or more to register and cars would be in the several hundred dollar range back then.."

    Give the legislature time . . . . . They will figure out a way to increase it again! Remember the $30 tabs Tim Eyman's initiative was supposed to bring? The legislature has increased that more than double!!!
  • Well, there you go... I don't recall having to pay all that when I bought my RV in WA state. Except paying the sales tax on it.. But, you can at least claim that sales tax on your Fed Income Taxes!

    At least we don't have to pay yearly registration fees based on the vehicles "value" anymore. RV's would cost a grand or more to register and cars would be in the several hundred dollar range back then..

  • Washington adopt lot of California laws in last few years (my brother leaves there, so I compare all the time) -including smog tests.
    The 10% is most likely sale tax, when you bring new motorhome straight to WA.
    California has the same, but at some point the vehicle is consider used and then you can re-register it here with no sale tax.
    From my memory in CA vehicle has to have 2500 miles, about a month since purchase and receipts from other states to qualify.
    I think you ask wrong question. ;)
  • Our sales tax varies from county to county and town to town, so call the DMV in the locality where you will license the couch, to see really what the cost will be.
  • Guess why they call it the "evergreen state"?

    Depending on what you make, ID state has an income tax where WA doesn't. Governor smiles when people buy anything, especially big ticket items like RV's and cars.

    But all states get their pound of flesh someway.

    Some people in the park just changed residence from South Dakota to WA state, so they could get on some medical program. Cost them a bunch for that pretty license plate.

    I'm 64, retired Air Force, if it matters.

    It might because your pay is on 1099 R, not W2. WA state no income tax. ID has income tax, but don't know how much.

    If it weren't for the medical and "tri care for life" (which you'll go on when you get 65) my wife loves the medical, so we pay through the nose to lic vehicles. Just paid $184.00 for lic tab on small 2003 class C.

    P.S. she is getting new hip next month. Wonder if the WA state will tax her new transportation device?:B
  • So, maintain your domicile some place else.

    Washington just raised their fuel taxes by $0.40 per gal this summer and figured their residents wouldn't mind. Diesel fuel is more expensive in Washington than Alaska........
