Jopopsy wrote:
Would mineral spirits help?
Pure Spirit Gum Turpentine.
Will it remove Dicor from an RV? Yes
Will it remove silicone caulk from an RV? Yes
Will it damage the finish on an RV? Yes it can
Will its odor curl your nose hairs? Yes
Will its odor burn a hole in your sinus cavity? Quite possibly
Is it kind of like using undiluted "Totally Awesome"? Yes, maybe worse
Have I used it on the exterior of my MH? Yes
Do I recommend it? NO.
My MH is clad in painted aluminum. I sealed the trim around my basement doors with non-leveling dicor lap seal. I had a shaky hand in a few spots. Several days later I used pure spirit gum turpentine that I bought at an Ace Hardware store (on a whim) to clean the messy spots.
Here is how I applied it:
-used a rinsed-out Progresso soup can that I filled with about 2 inches of turpentine.
-bowl of water with a sponge in it
-paper towels
The soup can made it easy to work with a small quantity of turpentine, and was wide enough to dip paper towels into it.
I dipped paper towels in the turpentine and rubbed out the dicor. It literally melts through the sealant. It did the same to silicone caulk on the tail lights.
After removing the dicor I sponged the cleaned area with water to remove any turpentine left behind.
There are some swirl marks left in the paint's finish from using the turpentine - hence my negative recommendation. It got the job done though. I'm OK with a few swirl marks on my former rental.
If you apply it while staying at an RV park on a warm day with a slow breeze, everyone downwind from you will stop by to express their hatred of you. Don't ask me how I know. It stinks that bad.
I do not know how other types of RV exteriors would react to pure spirit gum turpentine. Therefore I can't recommend its use.