rgatijnet1 wrote:
Snowfether wrote:
Thanks everyone. Those were all the answers I expected and simply confirmed my suspicions I would be totally in over my head if I did this. I just want now to have all the decals removed and get her all sanded and primed and then just an application of a single color, probably white. I will worry about decals at a later date. Any idea on pricing for something like this in the midwest?
With the economy still in the toilet, I am sure that you can find someone to apply the paint using either their spray rig or a rental unit. The sanding is not that difficult and something that you can do yourself over a few weeks. It does not all have to be done at one time. Even the painting can be done in sections.
The material costs will vary and if you find someone that will do the spray painting, I am sure that they have some recommendations on the type of paint to use.
There are plenty of skilled painters out there that could use the work and I am sure that you will be able to find someone that will work within your budget.
If you plan on keeping the coach you may as well do it right instead of taking a chance with an interior floor finish(ZEP) that will provide zero UV protection for the rest of your fiberglass surfaces.
Spray painting is not that difficult and there have been several people that posted on this forum about painting their own coach.
The vinyl stripes can usually be peeled of using a hand held electric hair dryer to heat and soften the adhesive.
spray painting might not be what you call difficult, but it takes some skill level and it does not come on the first try with anyone