You have weighed the coach and report "200# under gross weight." Is that Total Coach (both Axles, all four Corners) or is that an Axle Weight? It sounds to me like you may have an overloaded Right Rear Corner (Passenger Side of Rear Axle). The
Michelin RV Inflation Chart addresses this by expressing its numbers By Corner. The Truck version is By Axle, indicating Michelin understands RVs tend to be unevenly loaded.
Ford E450, correct? How HOT is your Right Rear Brake? There already isn't much ventilation right there. There's hot exhaust and possibly a hot brake, all in close proximity. Add a heat shield to the tire side of the tailpipe if there already isn't one.
AND!!! An OP mentioned how the crown of the road adds load to the Inner Dual Tire. Here's what's worse on Passenger Side: Dropping the Outer Dual Tire OFF the Pavement. The Outer is subject to damage from stuff on the edge of the road, BUT it's getting a Free Ride when it's off the Pavement, and the Inner gets the entire load of that end of the axle.
Tires harbor resentments. They don't blow the instant we commit an offense. They wait to get payback, sometimes long after we've forgotten what we did or thought we got away with it...