JaxDad wrote:
msmith1199 wrote:
Although I'm not a believer in the five year replacement, you can't compare farm and construction equipment tires with on the road tires. They are subjected to no where near the speed or heat.
It doesn't seem like you really read my post before responding there friend.
I clearly said, and even put it on a separate line to emphasize it;
JaxDad wrote:
None of them have any weather checking or other 'age' issues.
I was trying to point out that not all tires degrade from exposure and just sitting around.
And since you went there, I know a lot of fellow pilots who are running VERY old tires on their aircraft. They too sit outside and exposed then hit the runway, hopefully not too hard, at about 70 mph from a stand still.
Yes I went there, because it was relevant. Have you had the tires removed from all your construction equipment to have them safety checked? No, you haven't. Because you don't need to. You simply can't see any "visible" damage from the outside. That is not the test of when a tire used at freeway speeds has gone back. Like I said, there is a definite "age only" point where you should change tires regardless of what they look like. But it isn't five years.