Forum Discussion

Doin_it's avatar
Oct 16, 2016

Replace windshield?

While driving our 2014 Itasca Suncruiser back home from Palo Duro Canyon State Park last week, a small SUV passed us. We heard a loud pop and knew we'd been hit by a flying rock. UGH! Sure enough, when we next stopped for fuel and washing windshield, we saw the damage. A large "star" about 5" across! It is on the passenger side, way up high in the tinted area. I had a local glass company look at it after we returned home and they said it is too large for the repair procedure. So we ponder whether to have the huge one piece windshield replaced. If we don't do it will the star damage spread? We will drive to Florida this winter and don't want to deal with it on the road. I can't imagine what it will cost, but more importantly worry about finding an experienced business to do a good job.

Ann from Kansas
  • It will spread if you get a cold night then turn the defroster on first thing in the morning. If you don't carry comprehensive coverage don't worry about it unless a crack spreads into the driver's normal line of vision or it bugs you.
  • Get a second opinion on having a patch. Caught a 2" dinger out of line of sight on our new MH. Had it fixed by a mobile tech. I can see it but didn't loose any road time.
  • Or try getting a second opinion about the repair. We had the same thing happen ths summer, and a replacement was going to be huge money. And several weeks delay. So we tried another glass repair shop, got a more experienced guy to take a look, and an hour later he had done a pretty good repair.
  • your insurance company and have it replaced. That's why you carry comprehensive. SafeTLite or similar companies will come to you and replace it. Takes about 45 minutes. I've had three replaced in the past four biggie..Dennis