hipower wrote:
F4Jock wrote:
Jsejmz09 wrote:
I believe it would. But There was no room for the tank on top. I already had a fuel line coming from the main tank that supported the Onan. That was the only reason for my installing an electric pump.
That's what I meant. Since you removed the tank if you just hooked up the generator's tank to carb feed line to the original Onan feed line wouldn't that have obviated the need for the pump?
I doubt that it would since the Onan pulled fuel from the coach tank with it's own fuel pump. Slight possibility that what you suggest could work if the coach fuel tank was slightly higher than the input to the generator and the fuel level never went lower than that point.
Secondary thought on my part would be about the life of a fan that could be exposed to winter highway slop, etc., since this may be a year round use vehicle in the PA weather. Regardless, kudos to the OP for thinking outside the box and saving some expense with a solution that fits his needs. And catcalls to those who felt the need to berate him for trying.
No idea about the juxtaposition of the generator fuel feed with the tank but assuming that the one quarter tank safety level was adhered to you would think that there would be sufficient head most of the time to gravity feed. As I said, I considered doing this type of thing because, when my 5500 Generac needed work I thought it would be an easy and cheap upgrade in generator capacity but after looking into all of the possibilities I figured to put a grand into my original for a rebuild was a better ROI rather than go this route. I do hope it works and, of course, works long and safely.