I would say that the folks that do not exercise their genny with no issues are just lucky and the minority. We have a whole house generator, wired to it's own sub panel etc. It starts itself up weekly and runs 2 minutes without a load and then 15 minutes with a load and then removes the load and shuts down a minute later. Why do you think the engineers designed it to do that? Personally I want to know that my things are going to work when I need them to. And that means periodically running them and proper maintenance. Storing them for months on end without doing anything is rolling the dice. That's my opinion of course and YMMV. Maintenance aside, do I want to know in the spring while prepping for a trip that mice have chewed a fuel line or wire? Or do I want to know that when I have time to fix it? Put simply if you don't properly maintain things and ensure they work the risk of failure when you need it increases exponentially.